Ella De La Motte
& Niki Moodie
Pushing boundaries in early childhood: Looking through an innovation lens
Organisation: Ella de la Motte – E Early Childhood Consultant & The Rumpus Room Children's Centre – Chatham Street
Ella and Niki have worked alongside each other for seven years and have achieved more goals and dreams than they could ever have imagined. A beautiful union of Ella's 27 years of experience across varying roles in the early childhood sector and Niki's innovative thinking at every turn — their pursuit to provide quality care and education to children has evolved over their time together. The vision they have created and committed to, has resulted in an Exceeding rating for the National Quality Standards and several articles being written about their program and practice for children and with children. The rule book sits comfortably in its place but does not hold Niki and Ella hostage. They are willing to push boundaries within the sector and as a result have created a beautiful environment for educators, the children and their families.